Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Ron Yezzi
Philosophy Department
Minnesota State U., Mankato
©2001 by Ron Yezzi
(May be downloaded for per-
sonal, non-commercial use)

Philosophy 437 Lecture Notes

Contemporary Philosophy: Course Introduction
I. What Is Contemporary Philosophy?
A. Presumably, contemporary philosophy deals with what philosophers are considering now rather than what they considered in the past. But what does "now" include?
1. Now, according to the Undergraduate Bulletin: Philosophers and Philosophies of the Twentieth Century

2. Now, as "cutting edge" philosophy - what is startlingly new and original among this year's philosophy books and journal articles

3. Now, as whatever the philosophy instructor is interested in doing

4. Now, as whatever philosophy students are interested in doing

5. Now, as some issue(s) as dealt with by a number of living philosophers that happens to interest the course instructor

6. Now, as major philosophical issues and works of the last 20-30 years

B. Strange Irony (Probable Statement): A hundred years from now, about 95-99% of the work of presently living philosophers (contemporary philosophy?) will be wholly ignored while 95-99% of the work in the history of philosophy (past philosophy through the nineteenth century that is covered in history of philosophy courses?) will still be studied.
1. So there is a sense in which the history of philosophy always is and always will be contemporary, whereas the vast majority of what people "consider" to be contemporary philosophy is destined for the trash bin of history.

2.. It would seem then that contemporary philosophy is largely a waste of time compared with study of the history of philosophy—except for the fact that it is unclear now precisely what portions of contemporary philosophy will be discarded.

3. So a student has to take contemporary philosophy with "a grain of salt," maintain a sense of perspective on contemporary philosophy, and not merely presume that consideration of past philosophy is a waste of time.

II. Movements, Systems, Specialization, and Analytic Philosophy
A. Perennial Tasks of Philosophy
1. Dealing with Long-Standing Central Problems of Philosophy - free will vs. determinism, mind-body, the physical and mental, the nature of knowledge, logic, God, ethics, justice, etc.

2. Providing Philosophical Interpretation of New Advances in Human Knowledge and Actions

3. Developing Methods of Philosophical Analysis - usually based on reasoning and accumulated over long periods of time

B. Philosophical Movements
1. Philosophical movements mark a commitment to a somewhat different approach to philosophical problems that adherents view as significant progress over what was being done before.

a. The idea of progress, rather than final answers or a utopia, is necessary for a movement.

2. Movements tend to start and develop with a heady optimism regarding what they can accomplish; and they may depart somewhat from the perennial tasks of philosophy. Eventually though, this optimism tends to be lost either because unforeseen problems arise or the initially promising channels of investigation reach points of diminishing returns.

3. When movements lose momentum, there usually is a return to the perennial problems of philosophy—although these problems may well now be enriched through the movement’s efforts.

C. Some Quasi-Philosophical Movements in the Twentieth Century
1. General Semantics – an attempt to improve human life through a scientific analysis of language that was held to be more accurate and more open than the two-valued logic embedded in our traditional language through the philosophy of Aristotle

a. Leading Proponents – Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950) and S.I. Hayakawa (1906-1992)

b. Major Works – Korzybski (Science and Sanity), Hayakawa (Language in Thought and Action)

c. Result – A brief flurry of interest at one time, but no major followers now

2. Behaviorism - an attempt to improve human life through a scientific study of human behavior that turned away from explanation of human actions in terms of internal mental states.

a. Major Proponents – John B. Watson (1878-1958) and B. F. Skinner (1904-1990)

b. Major Works – Watson (Behaviorism), Skinner (Science and Human Behavior, Verbal Behavior, Beyond Freedom and Dignity, Walden Two)

c. Result – A major movement in 20th century psychology most influential from the 1930s to the 1960s, but still influential today—although the more extreme claims about the absence of internal states have lost much of their force and interest

3. Design and Progress - an attempt to improve human life through scientific design, that is, by "reforming the living environment through design on all levels rather than by reforming people through economics and/or politics."

a. Major Proponent – R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1980s)

b. Result - Probably a curiosity rather than a major movement

D. Major Philosophical Movements of the Twentieth Century
1. Pragmatism

2. Process Philosophy

3. Logical Positivism

4. Analytic Philosophy

5. Existentialism (Phenomenology)

6. Postmodernism

7. Feminism

8. Social Constructivism

E. Philosophical Systems
1. A philosophical system possesses a relatively well-organized set of solutions to the major perennial problems of philosophy as well as a distinctive method of approach to philosophical problems.

a. Classic Examples: Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Locke, Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Hegel

2. A philosophical movement may or may not produce a system.

3. During most of the twentieth century, philosophical movements have strongly tended to be anti-systemic (pragmatism for the most part, existentialism, postmodernism, feminism, social constructivism) or non-systemic (logical positivism and analytic philosophy.)

a. Some of the turning away from systems is attributable to a reaction against Hegelian Absolute Idealism.

4. Major Perennial Problems of Philosophy

a. What exists?—things, events, ideas, percepts, symbols

b. What is the status of God?—nature, existence or non-existence, significance

c. What is the status of the mental and the physical?

d. Are the universe and human actions deterministic?

e. What is human nature and what is its significance?

f. What are the standards, if any, by which we successfully claim to know anything?

g. What method(s) most advances philosophical inquiry?

h. What is the nature of value and the good life?

i. What is the proper relation of the individual to society?

F. Specialization and Analytic Philosophy
1. The stress on specialization in twentieth century philosophy encourages a non-systemic approach

2. Analytic philosophy tends to proceed "piecemeal," with the writing of journal articles and subsequent books that often are mainly collections of journal articles.

3. The academic requirements for publishing in higher education push philosophers toward specialization and writing of journal articles—articles that often are commentaries upon other articles.

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Last updated 8/30/01

British and Romantic Victorian Cultures

Stacey on Romantic, Victorian and Modern British Literature (MU ENG264-Dr. J. Glance)
References: Longman Anthology of British Literature, 2nd Compact Ed., Vol. B., (2003).

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
“Women and the fiction that is written about them”
-Virginia Woolf
from A Room of One’s Own, Chapter 1

Could Virginia Woolf’s life story be the reason she rejected Victorian ideals? Her “own roots went deep in Victorian literary culture” (Longman, p.1222). I believe it was because she was denied a formal education and it is stated that “the sense of having been deliberately shut out of education by virtue of her sex was to inflect all of Woolf’s writing and thinking”(Longman, p.1223).
It seems only natural that Woolf (the quintessential victim of sexism by her brothers’ objectification and incest) would reject the Victorian leaning of group-think (hypocritical) morality. How immoral a society that would dismiss the self-determination of their members and allow the oppression of so many of their members; specifically women?

Woolf’s stance in A Room of One’s Own (that a woman writer needs her own room and money) reflects her understanding that as long as women are financially-disadvantaged, they will continue to be at a disadvantage both educationally and socially.



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The Center for African Studies promotes excellence in teaching and research on Africa in all the disciplines at the University of Florida. The Center also disseminates knowledge about Africa to the wider community through an integrated outreach program to schools, colleges, community groups, and businesses. Central to this mission is sustaining contacts and expanding interactive linkages with individuals and institutions on the African continent. In addition to undergraduate education, the Center promotes and supports graduate studies as essential for the development of a continuing community of Africanist scholars.

The Center has over 100 affiliated teaching and research faculty in a wide variety of fields, including: languages, the humanities, the social sciences, agriculture, business, engineering, education, fine arts, environmental studies and conservation, journalism, and law. A number of faculty members with appointments wholly or partially within the Center have facilitated the development of a core curriculum in African Studies in support of the undergraduate minor and graduate certificate programs.

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CAS is funded in part by a U.S. Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center Grant which supports research, teaching, outreach, and development of international linkages. It is the only National Resource Center for Africa located in the southeastern US, and the only one in a sub-tropical zone.

The Center thus plays a pivotal role in addressing issues critical for understanding Africa in the global context. At a time when the University of Florida is expanding its international dimension, a major component of the Center for African Studies' mission is to work with the rest of the University in promoting Africa-related programs on the campus and beyond.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Christopher C. Nagle
Availability: Now In Stock
From Palgrave Macmillan
Pub date: Nov 2007
240 pages
Size 5 1/2 x 8 1/4
$79.95 - Hardcover (1-4039-8435-2)

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Drawing together theoretically informed literary history and the cultural history of sexuality, friendship, and affective relations, this is the first study to trace fully the influence of this notorious yet often undervalued cultural tradition on British Romanticism, a movement that both draws on and resists Sensibility’s excessive embodiments of non-normative pleasure. Offering a broad consideration of literary genres while balancing the contributions of both canonical and non-canonical male and female writers, this bold new study insists on the need to revise the traditional boundaries of literary periods and establishes unexpected influences on both Romantic and early Victorian culture and their shared pleasures of attachment.

Author Bio
Christopher C. Nagle is Assistant Professor of English at Western Michigan University, where he teaches courses in eighteenth and nineteenth-century British and Irish literature as well as critical theory and gender studies. His previous work has appeared in English Literary History, Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, and Comparative Drama.

Praise for Sexuality and the Culture of Sensibility in the British Romantic Era
“This is an ambitious study that argues for the continuance of Sensibility within Romanticism, ‘embedded’ within texts by writers who ostensibly rejected its excesses in favor of more directed models of psychological development, and seeking social cohesion in other modes. A strength of the study is, thus, one of range: not many studies move with equal surefootedness from Lawrence Sterne to Tennyson, and across genres from fiction to poetry.”--Peter Manning, SUNY-Stony Brook University

“This book opens the door to the Romantic closet at last. Besides dealing with issues of gender and sexuality as they have rarely been addressed, Nagle exposes romanticism's deep debt to the culture of sensibility and all the complexity of deep personal response that culture implies. This remarkable study deals with the major poets, women writers of both poetry and prose, and it demonstrates the ways in which Romantic writers are in active dialogue with predecessors of Sensibility. It opens the Romantic era to so much of the politics of pleasure that were seething within it all along.”--George E. Haggerty, University of California, Riverside

“This elegant study, with its creative synthesis of historicism, gender studies, and queer theory and its superlative close readings, provides exciting new analyses of classic works by Austen, Wordsworth, Shelley, and others. Arguing for a politics of pleasure that can be traced to the enduring influence of Sterne, Nagle offers a bold and stimulating assessment of the persistent role of sensibility through the Romantic period and well into the Victorian era. Nagle’s original juxtaposition of canonical and non-canonical works yields a study that convinces readers of overlooked connections and under-appreciated continuities. This book is bound to alter irrevocably our understanding of literary culture at the turn of the nineteenth century.”-- Elizabeth Kowaleski Wallace, Boston College

Table of contents
The Pleasures of Proximity * ‘The Heart’s Best Blood’: Sterne and the Promiscuous Life of Sensibility * From Trembling to Tranquility: Women Writers and Wordsworth’s Pleasure Principle * Epistemologies of the Romantic Closet: Shakespeare, Sexuality, and the Myth of Genius * The Social Work of Persuasion: Austen and the New Sensorium * Prometheus vs. the Man of Feeling: Frankenstein, Sensibility, and the Uncertain Future of Romanticism (An Allegory for Literary History) * Sentimental Journeys: The Afterlife of Feeling in Landon and Tennyson

Copyright © 2008
Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
New York, NY 10010
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Map of Africa
National Holidays
USA Travel Warnings

Algeria Niger
Angola Gabon Nigeria
Benin Gambia Reunion
Botswana Ghana Rwanda
Burkina Faso Guinea Sao Tome & Principe
Burundi Guinea-Bissau Senegal
Cameroon Kenya Seychelles
Cape Verde Lesotho Sierra Leone
Central African Rep. Liberia Somalia
Chad Libya South Africa
Comoros Madagascar Sudan
Congo (Brazzaville) Malawi Swaziland
Congo (DRC, Zaire) Mali Tanzania
Cote d'Ivoire Mauritania Togo
Djibouti Mauritius Tunisia
Egypt Morocco Uganda
Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Western Sahara
Eritrea Namibia Zambia
Ethiopia Zimbabwe

Editor: Dr. Ali B. Ali-Dinar, Ph.D.

Eth Noise! Ethnomusicology

Theories and methods
Ethnomusicologists often apply theories and methods from cultural anthropology, cultural studies and sociology as well as other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. Though some ethnomusicologists primarily conduct historical studies, the majority are involved in long-term participant observation. Therefore, ethnomusicological work can be characterized as featuring a substantial, intensive ethnographic component.

Some ethnomusicological works are created not necessarily by 'ethnomusicologists' proper, but instead by anthropologists examining music as an aspect of a culture. A well-known example of such work is Colin Turnbull's study of the Mbuti pygmies. Another is Jaime de Angulo, a linguist who intensively studied the music of the natives of Northern California.[5] Additionally, Anthony Seeger, professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, studied the music and society of the Suya people in Mato Grosso, Brazil.[6]

[edit] Academic programs
Many universities in North America and Europe now offer ethnomusicology classes and act as centers for ethnomusicological research. The following list includes graduate and undergraduate degree-granting programs (number in parentheses indicates year the program was founded). [7]

In the United States:

Bowling Green State University
Brown University (1967)
City University of New York
Columbia University (1966)
Florida State University
Indiana University (1948/1980)
New York University
Ohio State University
Oberlin College
University of California, Berkeley (1975)
University of California, Davis (2003)
University of California, Los Angeles (1958)
University of California, Riverside
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Chicago
University of Colorado, Boulder
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
University of Illinois
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Minnesota at Minneapolis
University of Michigan
University of New Mexico
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Texas at Austin
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin (1966)
Wesleyan University (1961)

In Canada:

Memorial University of Newfoundland
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
University of Montreal
University of Toronto
York University
In the United Kingdom:

The Open University at Milton Keynes
School of Oriental and African Studies
Royal Holloway, University of London
University of Leeds
University of Newcastle
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
University of York
City University, London
Cardiff University
University of Manchester
University of Sheffield
Goldsmiths, University of London
Cardiff University
In Ireland:

Queen's University Belfast
University College Dublin
University of Limerick
In France:

In The Netherlands:

University of Amsterdam
In Turkey:

Istanbul Technical University (1999)
Ankara State Conservatory
Dokuz Eylül University
In Finland:

University of Tampere
In Italy:

University of Rome La Sapienza
University of Bologna
University of Basilicata


1. African Studies Center | African Countries
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Africa: Country Pages. Map of Africa • National Holidays • USA Travel Warnings ... Central African Rep. ...
www.africa.upenn.edu/Home_Page/Country.html - 35k - En caché - Páginas similares
2. African Studies Quarterly - Volume 10, Issue 1, Spring 2008
- [ Traducir esta página ]
Center for African Studies, University of Florida, 1997-.
www.africa.ufl.edu/asq/ - 19k - En caché - Páginas similares
3. Northwestern University Program of African Studies
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The Program of African Studies (PAS) at Northwestern has achieved international ... Program of African Studies 620 Library Place Evanston, IL 60208-4110 ...
www.northwestern.edu/african-studies/ - 13k - En caché - Páginas similares
4. Centre of African Studies
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The Centre of African Studies at The University of Edinburgh is the hub for African Studies in Scotland. The Centre of African Studies staff are widely ...
www.cas.ed.ac.uk/ - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares
5. African Studies
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www.w3.org/hypertext/DataSources/bySubject/AfricanStudies/africanWWW.html - Páginas similares
6. Welcome to the Center for African Studies
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Offers "Toguna" online newsletter and forum along with academic program announcements, student organizations, faculty roster, and course catalogs.
www.african.ohio.edu/ - 15k - En caché - Páginas similares
7. Center for African Studies | Home | Illinois
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Center for African Studies: Home Page (start here)
www.afrst.uiuc.edu/ - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares
8. ASC | Home - The African Studies Centre, Leiden
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The African Studies Centre is an independent scientific institute that undertakes social-science research on Africa.
www.ascleiden.nl/ - 20k - En caché - Páginas similares
9. African Studies at IUB
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An overview of the Program for current and prospective students. Features staff profiles, newsletter, links to related sites, grant opportunities, ...
www.indiana.edu/~afrist/ - 21k - En caché - Páginas similares
10. Centre of African Studies
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Includes an overview of current research, list of publications, contact details, and news of upcoming conferences and seminars.
www.african.cam.ac.uk/ - 16k - En caché - Páginas similares


1. 18th-and 19th-Century British Writers Conference: Fresh Threads of ...
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Her articles have appeared in Victorian Studies, Journal of Victorian Culture, Kenyon Review, American Literary History, and elsewhere. ...
www.uiowa.edu/~englgrad/bwwc/keynotes.html - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares
2. Lynne Vallone, On Josephine McDonagh, Child Murder and British ...
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20 Apr 2008 ... Child Murder and British Culture, 1720-1900 takes its place as a worthy ... appeal to those interested in the Romantic and Victorian eras, ...
www.rc.umd.edu/reviews/vallone_spr08.html - 19k - En caché - Páginas similares
3. Stacey on Romantic, Victorian and Modern British Literature (MU ...
- [ Traducir esta página ]
Stacey on Romantic, Victorian and Modern British Literature (MU ENG264-Dr. J. ... Her “own roots went deep in Victorian literary culture” (Longman, p.1222). ...
eng264stacey.blogspot.com/ - 53k - En caché - Páginas similares
4. [DOC]
_Nicholas A
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Article for book collection (invited): “Romanticism and Consumer Culture. ... In Anti-Americanism in British Literature: Romantic, Victorian, and Modernist ...
humanities.byu.edu/english/vitae/nam27.doc - Páginas similares
5. Center for British Studies :: UC Berkeley Institute of European ...
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Slavica Naumovska, Dept. of English; Romantic and Victorian literature; .... British literature and culture; the memorized poem in Victorian culture; ...
ies.berkeley.edu/cbs/people.html - 49k - En caché - Páginas similares
6. English 2323 - LSC-Kingwood - British Literature II
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The Victorian Web | Literature, history, and culture in the age of Victoria. ... Refereed Electronic Journal devoted to British Romantic studies. ...
kclibrary.lonestar.edu/english2323.html - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares
7. [DOC]
Modernity and the City: 1850-1930
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They will also learn about Victorian culture more widely – encountering ideas of .... Clive Wainwright, The Romantic Interior:The British Collector at Home ...
www.kcl.ac.uk/content/1/c6/03/63/67/VictorianPasts08-09.doc - Páginas similares
8. Amazon.co.uk: Indian Renaissance: British Romantic Art and the ...
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... British Romantic Art and the Prospect of India (British Art & Visual Culture ... artists into the cultural imperatives of imperial, Victorian Britain. ...
www.amazon.co.uk/Indian-Renaissance-Romantic-Prospect-Readings/dp/075463681X - 157k - En caché - Páginas similares
9. British Romanticism Websites
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The very best place to begin searching any aspect of Victorian culture and ... British Women Romantic Poets project at University of California, Davis; ...
www.unl.edu/sbehrend/html/sbsite/courses/4802/websites.htm - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares
10. VRW Guide to Other Victorian Resources
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Although still in its early stages, the British Women Romantic Poets Project at the University of ... Monuments and Dust: The Culture of Victorian London ...
victorianresearch.org/other.html - 28k - En caché - Páginas similares


1. Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: An Annotated Bibliography
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Many core areas of contemporary philosophy of mind are covered, but some areas ( e.g. philosophy of perception, philosophy of action, propositional attitude ...
consc.net/biblio/ - 30k - En caché - Páginas similares
2. [PDF]
What’s Wrong with Contemporary Philosophy?
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1 Sep 2006 ... What’s Wrong with Contemporary Philosophy? Kevin Mulligan, Peter Simons and Barry Smith. Preprint version of paper to appear in Topoi, ...
ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/articles/What'sWrong.pdf - Páginas similares
de K Mulligan - 2006 - Citado por 1 - Artículos relacionados
3. Krisis: Journal for contemporary philosophy
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He admires the way Rorty has fashioned new orientations in philosophy, but is also puzzled by the way he has developed his brand of liberalism. ...
www.krisis.eu/index_en - 7k - En caché - Páginas similares
4. Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Contemporary - Wikipedia, the ...
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The template {{User WP Contemporary Phil}} will add the following userbox to your user page, and add you to the Category:Contemporary philosophy task force ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Philosophy/Contemporary - 37k - En caché - Páginas similares
5. Topics in Contemporary Philosophy - Series - The MIT Press
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The MIT Press online catalog contains descriptions of in-print and out-of-print books, current and past journals, online ordering/subscription options, ...
mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/browse/browse.asp?btype=6&serid=147 - 16k - En caché - Páginas similares
6. Stand to Reason: Truth, Contemporary Philosophy, and the ...
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Among contemporary epistemologists, modest foundationalism of some form is, as one philosopher put it, the "dominant position." Thus, it is intellectually ...
www.str.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5682 - 51k - En caché - Páginas similares
7. Review of Contemporary Philosophy
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Review of Contemporary Philosophy publishes work of a high quality on a wide variety ... Review of Contemporary Philosophy has as one of its objectives the ...
www.denbridgepress.com/rcp.php - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares
de D Press - Las 2 versiones
8. Contemporary Philosophy - Intute: Arts and Humanities
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Thus, in many ways the journal is sympathetic to the work of contemporary philosophers interested in the so-called 'death of philosophy'. ...
www.intute.ac.uk/artsandhumanities/cgi-bin/browse.pl?id=200627 - 68k - En caché - Páginas similares
9. [PDF]
logía del partido de 1987 al año 2000, los órganos de dirección ...
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ha logrado con Contemporary Philosophy. of Social Science. El libro es original, . no precisamente por los temas que. trata —pues si bien son importantes ...
www.ejournal.unam.mx/rms/2003-3/RMS03310.pdf - Páginas similares
de L Olivé

Continental Philosophy

- [ Traducir esta página ]
This site is a collection of links to and content about Continental Philosophy and related topics. The links are grouped by area (detailed below) and ...
www.angelfire.com/ct2/cpo/ - 7k - En caché - Páginas similares
2. A Ranking of U.S. Departments in Continental Philosophy
- [ Traducir esta página ]
This web site, and this report, is/are intended to be a repository of knowledge and facts regarding such Continental-friendly programs, so that the young ...
www.geocities.com/athens/1575/report.html - 30k - En caché - Páginas similares
3. SPEP: Graduate Programs in Continental Philosophy
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More than half of our current faculty are trained in continental philosophy, and the remaining faculty work in theoretical and applied ethics, ...
www.spep.org/Graduate%20Schools.html - 55k - En caché - Páginas similares
4. Continental Philosophy Review
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Continental Philosophy Review fosters a living international dialogue on philosophical issues of mutual interest. The journal elicits discussions of ...
www.springer.com/philosophy/phenomenology/journal/11007 - 36k - En caché - Páginas similares
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The Post/Human Condition, Annual Conference, Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy (ASCP), University of Auckland, December 3–5 ...
www.phillwebb.net/History/TwentiethCentury/continental/Continental.htm - 175k - En caché - Páginas similares
6. the melbourne school of continental philosophy
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The Melbourne School for Continental Philosophy is an institution centred around scholarly, extensive and engaged readings of key figures and texts in the ...
www.mscp.org.au/ - 21k - En caché - Páginas similares
7. continental philosophy -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
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The term continental philosophy was adopted by professional philosophers in England ... Modern continental philosophy emerged in response to the skeptical ...
www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1308494/continental-philosophy - Páginas similares
8. Continental Philosophy in the Yahoo! Directory
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Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Continental Philosophy.
dir.yahoo.com/Arts/Humanities/Philosophy/Continental_Philosophy/ - 9k - En caché - Páginas similares
9. Google Directory - Society > Philosophy > Continental Philosophy
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Lessons in Continental Philosophy. It bridges the gap between Anglo-Saxon and Continental Philosophy, and Western and Indian Philosophy. ...
www.google.com/Top/Society/Philosophy/Continental_Philosophy/ - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares
10. Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature ...
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An Ambivalent, Postphenomenological Philosophy of Technology Review of What Things Do: Reflections on Technology, Agency, and Design by Peter-Paul Verbeek ...
www.janushead.org/ - 31k - En caché - Páginas similares

Early Modern European Nations and Empire

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The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe
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The Ottoman Empire and early modern Europe. only must one generally differentiate the attitudes of northern from. Mediterranean Europe, but those western ...
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de D Goffman - Citado por 42 - Artículos relacionados - Las 4 versiones
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The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe (New Approaches to European History # 24 ) ... A Nation of Empire: The Ottoman Legacy of Turkish Modernity ...
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3. Ottoman Empire Books
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The Ottoman Empire - the best books. ... Ottoman forces clashed with many European nations in early modern Europe, gaining a reputation as fierce and ...
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4. Ottoman Empire Research | Find Ottoman Empire Articles ...
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The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe.(Book Review) ... (A nation of empire : the Ottoman legacy of Turkish modernity)(Book Review) ...
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Nature, Empire, and Nation ... Spanish contributions to early modern European botanical and medical knowledge, but she brings in new sources to the discussion ,
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The Plight of Pygmy Nations;. Wales in Early Modern Europe ..... invented the “ British Empire. ” Welsh genealogists placed Stuart kings firmly in the ...
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7. After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building: The ...
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After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building: The Soviet Union and the .... The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe. Book by Daniel Goffman; ...
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The Ottoman Empire. By Spitfire VII. Categories: Early Modern: Political History , .... Had the European nations cooperated, they could have destroyed the ...
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10. Holy Roman Empire: Definition from Answers.com
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The history of the term "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" illustrates several key developments on the path to the early modern empire. ...
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East Asia: Politics, Economy, and Society

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East Asia : Society, Politics and Economy. Announcements:. The workshop takes place on alternative Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30pm , in Pick Lounge. ...
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of East Asian Studies. History, Politics, Economy & Society in Southeast Asia. International Summer School 2006. 20 May 2006 ...
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Politics, Economy, Law & Society in East Asia. International Summer School 2008. 1 May 2008. Please note: This is a preliminary program for reference only. ...
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economy, politics and society on both sides of the DMZ. Bravo!" ... is Professor of East Asian Economy and Society at the University of Vienna. ...
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Eth Noise! Ethnomusicology

1. Ethnomusicology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Ethnomusicology is a branch of musicology defined as "the study of social and cultural aspects of music and dance in local and global contexts." [1] ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnomusicology - 47k - En caché - Páginas similares
2. Society for Ethnomusicology
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webdb.iu.edu/sem/scripts/home.cfm - Páginas similares
3. UW Libraries - Music Library - Music Library & Listening Center
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Ethnomusicology, Folk Music, and World Music Contents. Organizations, Institutions, Archives, Research Centers; Bibliography, Periodicals & Online ...
www.lib.washington.edu/Music/world.html - 64k - En caché - Páginas similares
4. Ethnomusicology
Ethnomusicology is the study of music in its cultural context and inside these pages you will discover the world of Cuban music and instruments. ...
salsablanca.com/Ethnomusicology/ - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares
5. UCLA Ethnomusicology Department
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The oldest ethnomusicology department in America, located in Los Angeles, California. Information about courses, faculty, news, ensembles and activities.
www.ethnomusic.ucla.edu/ - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares
6. Ethnomusicology
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As the official journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Ethnomusicology is the premier journal in the field. Its scholarly articles represent current ...
www.press.uillinois.edu/journals/ethno.html - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares
7. Ethnomusicology and Arts in SIL
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Ethnomusicology within SIL is concerned with research and documentation of ... Ethnomusicology: "Studying music from the outside in and from the inside out. ...
www.sil.org/arts/ethnomusicology.htm - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares
8. Taylor & Francis Journals: Welcome
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Journal of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology Visit the organisation site ... Ethnomusicology Forum, formerly known as the British Journal of ...
www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/17411912.asp - 27k - En caché - Páginas similares
de A Listing - Artículos relacionados - Las 34 versiones
ETHNOMUSICOLOGY ONLINE. ... Ethnomusicology Online Localización: http://www. research.umbc.edu/eol/ ... Titulo, Ethnomusicology Online ...
biblioteca.universia.net/ficha.do?id=659691 - 28k - En caché - Páginas similares
10. ethnomusicology en Gennio
Los mejores enlaces de ethnomusicology en Gennio. ... The Popular Music Section of the Society of Ethnomusicology. http://orpheus.tamu.edu/pmssem Pertenece ...
www.gennio.com/tags/ethnomusicology/ultimos - 78k - En caché - Páginas similares

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Eth Noise! Ethnomusicology

Oxford University Library Services

Collection Development Policy for Music

1. Overview

1.1 General coverage of subject in OULS.

Oxford’s library resources in the field of music are almost certainly the finest in the university sector in the U.K., being concentrated in the Bodleian and Music Faculty libraries. The Bodleian’s music collection, with about 500,000 items of printed music, 60,000 books and journals, and 5,000 manuscripts, probably rank it amongst the top dozen music research libraries in the world, with rich all-round holdings, as well as having a number of outstanding special collections of international standing. The Music Faculty Library, originating in a loan collection of music formed in the early years of the 20th century, is the primary teaching collection, with most of its stock borrowable. It has ca. 18,000 items of printed music, and 18,000 books and journals; it also houses the main sound recordings collection of the university, with ca. 15,000 LPs and 4,500 CDs. Whilst college libraries also make substantial provision for undergraduate studies in subjects like History, English and Classics, most, quite justifiably in view of the spread of students, cater very little for music students, who are therefore heavily reliant on the resources of OULS libraries.

1.2 Legal deposit

The Bodleian houses the legal deposit collections in music. Basic reference material and major journals (both legal deposit and purchased) are on open shelves in the Music Reading Room, with the great majority of the collection in the closed access bookstack (much of it, however, in close proximity to the Reading Room). Printed music has been regularly received under legal deposit since about 1780; the comprehensiveness of receipt has varied greatly over time, but donated collections and purchases have done much both to fill in gaps and to provide splendid collections of earlier British musical publications. In the last 20 years a large ‘grey’ area has developed with self-publishing composers and a growth of music ‘published on demand’. Such publications are received very erratically under legal deposit (even from mainstream publishers), and the legal position remains unclear. In the case of non-deposit, some purchases are made of the more significant material in these categories, but, finances permitting, much more could be attempted. The Bodleian has never rejected the popular music of the day – resulting, for example, in its wonderful collection of Victorian and Edwardian music hall songs – and the latest pop albums are received alongside the works of Sir Peter Maxwell Davies. It should be noted, however, than sound recordings (unless adjuncts to books) do not come within the provisions of British legal deposit, unlike the situation in many other countries.

1.3 Electronic Resources

Music has comparatively few subscription databases. Apart from the New Grove Dictionary of Music (widely used by both music and more general users), Oxford currently subscribes to RILM Music Abstracts, and RISM (manuscript series). All are accessible through OxLIP. In the course of the current year it is planned to move over to a joint package which will also given online access to RIPM (19th- and early 20th-cent. retrospective music periodical index) and IMP (Index to Music Periodicals:

Collections & Series), provided at about the same cost as currently just RILM and RISM. A development of RIPM to offer full text of the periodicals indexed is expected within a year or so, which promises to be of great use, but undoubtedly will have financial implications. Other possible resources, such as IIMP (International Index to Music Periodicals), which offers full-text journals, will be kept under review, though in many cases there is substantial duplication with other electronic provision. For online listening resources see under 2.4.

1.4 Formats

Music as an academic subject probably involves a greater variety of formats than other any subject – not only books and journals in all the various musicological sub-disciplines, but scores of printed music, sound recordings and audio-visual materials all having to be accommodated within the budget.

1.5 Languages

Music being essentially international in its nature, books and journals are acquired in a wide number of languages, although English naturally predominates, especially at undergraduate level. Amongst the foreign languages, German, French, Italian and Spanish are the most prominent in that order, but the large number of major composers from Eastern Europe also means that literature in Russian, Czech, Polish and Hungarian is also acquired in significant quantities, as well as occasional items in other languages.

1.6 OULS Collection Management

OULS has several general collection management policy documents, which refer to all subjects and collections. These are available on the web and deal with the location, retention, disposal and transfer of library material: http://www.ouls.ox.ac.uk/collections/collection_management_policy

2. Teaching collections

The main teaching collections for Music are housed in the Music Faculty Library. Unlike most other subjects, library materials in the form of scores and recordings are often needed for use in lectures, classes and tutorials, so the proximity of the library and teaching/lecture rooms is an important feature of the setup.

2.1 Books

The Music Faculty Library purchases books predominantly to support undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses, mainly in English, although given the essentially international and multi-lingual nature of music, important works of reference and biography in other Western languages are also acquired. Books appearing on reading lists in related non-musical disciplines (e.g. theatre history, general aesthetics) are not generally purchased for the Faculty Library, but are available in the Bodleian and other OULS/college libraries. Requested copies of theses available on demand are acquired for either the Bodleian or Faculty libraries, when they would be of general interest, otherwise users are advised to make use of ILL. Although E-books have so far not been conspicuous in the music field, they are beginning to make an appearance, and their acquisition, especially as substitutes for multiple copy provision, will be kept under review.

2.2 Journals

Some rationalisation of duplicated holdings between the Bodleian and Faculty periodical collections has recently been made, although hard-copy formats of major British journals and a small number of foreign titles (largely in English) are still subscribed to by the Faculty Library. Electronic access to current issues is available at present for only a relatively small number of music titles likely to be of interest in a British academic context (almost exclusively in English); the university has subscriptions for some of these (mainly through bulk packages), and this will be extended as finances allow. It is expected that moves towards online access only for many journals will increase in the coming years in accordance with general OULS collection development policies. For back issues of ca. 40 core journals, JSTOR is found most useful, and is widely used by both undergraduates and researchers. Access to a range of free electronic journals in the field of music is being provided through TD-Net.

2.3 Printed music

The Faculty Library subscribes to collected editions of many major composers – they are the bedrock of any academic music collection – and to a number of other important series, such as Musica Britannica and Early English Church Music. Copies of other important historical editions and facsimiles are purchased (mostly for loan), and a representative collection of the works of contemporary composers is aimed at – part of the objective of the undergraduate curriculum being to enable students to acquaint themselves with as wide a range of music as possible. Music is acquired primarily for study purposes rather than to meet performance needs, although particularly the piano, solo vocal and chamber music collections do get used in both private and public performances. Students taking the performance options in examinations, however, would expect to acquire their own copies (which they could freely annotate) rather than rely on library material. Orchestral parts and sets of multiple copies of vocal scores are not acquired. Printed music is, however, naturally subject to rather more wear and tear than ordinary books (partly by virtue of the folio size of most music), and consequently allowance needs to be made for replacement of worn-out material. (The long-term value of the Bodleian’s reference-only copies is nowhere better demonstrated than in the relatively pristine condition of most of the music stock, which music publishers themselves often call upon when they discover they have kept no archive copy of a particular item.)

2.4 Sound recordings

The Music Faculty Library houses the main sound recordings collection in the university, and in addition to purchases, it is fairly regularly offered donations of collections – though (especially if of a general nature) these may be declined, owing to likelihood of duplication and processing costs. The standard Western art music repertoire is fairly well covered, even in CD format, so new purchases are concentrated on recordings of contemporary music and rarer older repertoire. The need for comparative recordings is considered, particularly in the light of performance studies options, and given the current release on CD of historic recordings from the pre-LP era. (Taken across the various LP/CD/online formats, there already exists a good basis for comparative studies of much standard repertoire). A representative sample of jazz recordings is also maintained, for use in conjunction with the jazz options/lectures offered from time to time. The Library subscribes to two online listening services for music students, Classical Music Library and Naxos, which are very popular. Subscription levels allow for only a small number of simultaneous users, so students are warned not to give information on access to non-music students. It is not designed as a general leisure resource for the whole university, which would entail a large increase in cost.

2.5 DVD/Videos

The Music Faculty Library maintains a collection of (mainly) opera recordings on video, and, more recently, on DVD. It is added to as appropriate (usually at staff or student request) – the primary aim is to extend coverage of opera titles, rather than acquire different productions of the same opera.

2.6 Microforms

The Music Faculty has a collection of microfilms, mostly of individual manuscripts of the Medieval and Renaissance periods, acquired by donation or at the request of individual members of staff and students; it is added as appropriate.

2.7 Level of provision

At least one copy of each music book on reading lists is purchased; high-demand books are placed on general reserve in the Faculty Library, short-term loan only being permitted; additional general lending copies are purchased as considered desirable. It is planned to set up a short-term loan collection with extra copies of high-demand material, initially funded by the Dalton Fund. (The Bodleian’s reference-only copies also serve an important back-up function for such material). In the future E-books will probably begin to play an increasing role in providing such access. Multiple copies of scores for lecture/class use will be purchased if necessary, although the standard repertoire appears to be reasonably well catered for.

3. Research collections

The research collections in Music are principally housed in the Bodleian, allowing for in-depth study of a wide range of musicological disciplines. For certain sub-disciplines (e.g. analysis) the Music Faculty’s resources are often sufficient for some research purposes, while in the field of ethnomusicology, resources are of necessity more scattered (see under 6. Note on Ethnomusicology).

3.1 Books

Books are purchased for the Bodleian in the various branches of music and musicology in a wide range of languages, and in as great a depth as funding permits. Concentration is on Western art music, although scholarly work on more popular genres (primarily in English) is also acquired. While some important monograph series are supplied on standing orders, generally a selective approach is applied to titles, in order to make best use of available funds.

3.2 Journals

The Bodleian has an impressive collection of music periodicals, including fine sets of major 19th-century French and German titles and both Western and Slavonic languages are covered. Current subscriptions cover a wide range of journals, including composer yearbooks. While the number of current titles taken is good by other UK university standards, it falls far behind those subscribed to by major USA institutions. In particular, the depth of coverage of publications of societies devoted to individual composers and instruments leaves room for improvement.

3.3 Printed Music

The Bodleian aims to collect composers’ collected editions and other major scholarly Denkmäler series in a comprehensive manner. As wide a range of facsimiles and significant other new editions of older music is acquired as the budget will allow. In the field of contemporary art music, it is aimed to collect major international figures such as Boulez, Stockhausen and Elliott Carter comprehensively, whilst the works of established lesser figures are purchased in a selective manner – again budgets are the main restraining factor, the scope for acquisition being vast. Assessing the long-term significance of the younger generations of contemporary composers is always a problematic area, and inevitably retrospective collecting has to be done on various figures, whose stature only becomes apparent with the passing of time. On the more popular side, material such as transcribed jazz scores and vocal scores of Broadway musicals are acquired.

3.4 Sound Recordings

In addition to material received by legal deposit as parts of books or music scores, the Bodleian purchases CDs of local music recordings (e.g. of college choirs), as an adjunct to its archive of local concert programmes.

3.5 Microforms

In addition to a number of microfilms of individual music manuscripts, the Bodleian has a large collection of the commercial packages of microfilms of the music manuscripts of both its own and other British collections. They are widely used, especially for collation of sources. The collection is added to as funding permits, and there is certainly scope for extending it to available continental collections.

4. Special Collections

The Bodleian has extensive special collections in both manuscript and printed form from medieval times onwards. Whilst British music lies at its core, there are large and highly important collections of material such as 17th-century Italian instrumental music, and first and early editions of the Viennese classical period. Amongst the copious 19th-century collections, the printed editions of Chopin and Berlioz are outstanding, as is the Harding Collection of American songs, while the Deneke Mendelssohn Collection makes the Library one of the two principal centres of Mendelssohn research. The Bodleian has been exceptionally fortunate in the number of outstanding collections to have come its way in the past 40 years (mostly be donation), including the Deneke, Harding, Tenbury and Tyson collections, which have radically increased its international profile. Suitable additions are made, especially to areas with already strong holdings, as opportunity and funding permit. The Bodleian also has substantial holdings of concert and opera programmes, both local and national, several important older collections having been added in recent years; it is regularly added to both by legal deposit and donation. The manuscripts and older printed music of the Music Faculty Library were transferred to the Bodleian in the 1990s; the Faculty retains a small collection of older treatises on music, and the Frank Howes collection of folk music. The Bate Collection of Musical Instruments has a reference-only donated collection of books on instruments and instrumental tutors.

5. Subject coverage of selected purchased material in OULS

Books and journals: Historical musicology, musical bibliography, compositional techniques, music theory and aesthetics, analysis, instruments and performance practice, ethnomusicology. Works are only exceptionally purchased in the field of foreign music education, and only academic titles on western-style popular music are considered for acquisition. Printed music: western art music, folk music, musicals, jazz (representatively). Sound recordings: western art music, plus representative collections of folk music, musicals and jazz. Video/DVD: mainly opera, some folk music.

6. Note on Ethnomusicology

With ethnomusicology impinging greatly on other fields like social anthropology and area studies, library provision also tends to be somewhat diffuse. The Indian Institute Library and Bodleian Japanese Library cater for the traditional music of their respective countries, whilst the Balfour Library also acquires some music-related literature, particularly of an anthropological nature. The Bodleian has substantial resources of European and American folk music collections and related literature within the main music and book collections, and takes general ethnomusicological literature and journals, whilst the Oriental department also collects relevant material for its geographical area. The donated Frank Howes collection in the Music Faculty Library is primarily European and American in its scope. While the Faculty already has a number of World Music videos, the recordings/audio-visual area will be subject to review once the newly appointed lecturer in ethnomusicology arrives in October 2007.

East Asia: Politics, Economy, and Society

East Asian Languages and Cultures
Faculty - Group in Asian Studies, UC Berkeley

Robert Ashmore
Classical Chinese literature

Yoko Hasegawa
Japanese linguistics

H. Mack Horton
Classical Japanese language and literature

Andrew Jones
Modern Chinese Literature

Susan Matisoff
Classical Japanese literature

Daniel O'Neill
Modern Japanese fiction, history of reading and narrative theory, film

William Schaefer
Modern Chinese literature and culture

Robert Sharf
Medieval Chinese Buddhism, Japanese Buddhism

Jiwon Shin
Late traditional and early modern Korean literature

Alan Tansman
Modern Japanese literature and culture

Paula Varsano
Classical Chinese poetry and poetics from the third through the eleventh centuries

Sophie Volpp (also Comparative Literature)
Chinese literature of the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries

Continental Philosophy

Continental Philosophy of Social Science
Yvonne Sherratt
University of Oxford

Continental Philosophy of Social Science demonstrates the unique and autonomous nature of the continental approach to social science and contrasts it with the Anglo-American tradition. Yvonne Sherratt argues for the importance of an historical understanding of the Continental tradition in order to appreciate its individual, humanist character. Examining the key traditions of hermeneutic, genealogy, and critical theory, and the texts of major thinkers such as Gadamer, Ricoeur, Derrida, Nietzsche, Foucault, the Early Frankfurt School and Habermas, she also contextualizes contemporary developments within strands of thought stemming back to Ancient Greece and Rome. Sherratt shows how these modes of thinking developed through medieval Christian thought into the Enlightenment and Romantic eras, before becoming mainstays of twentieth-century disciplines. Continental Philosophy of Social Science will serve as the essential textbook for courses in philosophy or social sciences.

• Specializes in European traditions of the philosophy of social sciences • Contextualizes European tradition against Anglo-American approaches • Places familiar names like Gadamer, Habermas, Foucault, and Derrida in deep traditions of history and European thought

Introduction; Part I. The Tradition of Hermeneutics: 1. Ancient hermeneutics; 2. Biblical hermeneutics; 3. German philosophical hermeneutics: Enlightenment and Romanticism; 4. German philosophical hermeneutics: phenomenology and Existentialism; 5. Continental philosophical hermeneutics post-war; Part II. The Tradition of Genealogy: 1. The history of genealogy: Nietzsche; 2. The theory of genealogy: Foucault; 3. Application of genealogy; Part III. The Tradition of Critical Theory: 1. The history of critical theory; 2. Critical theory I; 3. Critical theory II.

British and Romantic Victorian Cultures



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Get Acrobat Reader to view the texts below.


Pater, Walter. Imaginary Portraits. Based on a facsimile of the London: Macmillan, 1910 Library Edition.

Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus. London: Fraser's Magazine, 1833-34. PDF format.

Newman, John Henry. Apologia Pro Vita Sua. Based on the London: Longman, Green, 1864 first edition. PDF format.

Lewes, George Henry. On Actors and the Art of Acting. Based on the London: Smith, Elder 1875 first edition. PDF format.

Swinburne, Algernon. Miscellanies. Based on the London: Chatto & Windus, 1886 first edition. PDF format.

Mayhew, Henry. London Labour and the London Poor. Four Volumes. London: Griffin, Bohn, and Co., 1861-62. Mayhew's complex and lengthy volumes will be rendered in PDF format. This project will take time. Those who need the texts immediately will find all four volumes in text format from the Bolles Collection in the Perseus Project. See the Mayhew set's Table of Contents.


Buell, J.W. Heroes of the Dark Continent. Based on the New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1890 edition. This text is a gold mine of illustrations and narratives regarding British activities in Africa during the nineteenth century. It is a large project and will take time. PDF format.

Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present. Based on the London: Chapman & Hall, 1843 first edition. PDF format.

Carlyle, Thomas. The French Revolution. Based on the London: J. Fraser, 1837 first edition. PDF format.

Carlyle, Thomas. The French Revolution. Based on the London: J. Fraser, 1839 second edition. PDF format.

Mayhew, Henry. The Criminal Prisons of London, and Scenes of Prison Life. Based on the London: Griffin, Bohn, and Co., 1862 edition. PDF format.

Note on PDF (Portable Document Format): I have decided to use pdf format exclusively. Adobe pdf renders fully searchable, compact, near-facsimile editions. On-screen text size can be adjusted easily, a big advantage for those with less than perfect vision. Complex typefaces such as accentuated Greek can be embedded. Pdf text resembles the original, authoritative edition to a really impressive degree, and the fact that it resembles the original greatly facilitates proofreading. The minor responsibility of downloading and installing the freeware Acrobat Reader is more than repaid by pdf's ease of reading and scholarly advantages. I am also aware of the advantages of xml / sghtml, which some archivists have adopted as a standard for reproduction of texts, and in future I may well begin offering texts in both pdf and xml.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Meeting with FIX

MAPH FIX University

African StudiesBritish and Romantic Victorian CulturesContemporary PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyEarly Modern European Nations and EmpireEast Asia: Politics, Economy, and SocietyEth Noise! Ethnomusicology
IIGay and Lesbian StudiesGender and SocietyHistory and Philosophy of ScienceHuman RightsJewish StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
IIIMass CultureMedieval StudiesPoetry and PoeticsReproduction of Race and Racial IdeologiesRhetoric and PoeticsSemiology
IVSocial TheoryUrban Social ProcessesWittgenstein

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

British and Romantic Victorian Cultures

Literary Resources — Victorian BritishThis page is part of the Literary Resources collection maintained by Jack Lynch of Rutgers – Newark. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Victorian Literature
Calls for Papers
From Penn's list.
Voice of the Shuttle — Victorian
The best set of links.
19th Century Authors in UK (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
A big and up-to-date collection of links to author pages.
Annotated Bibliography on Chartism (Ursula Stange, Nipissing Univ.)
Extensive bibliography of Chartism after 1844.
Bibliography of Nineteenth-Century Irish Literature (Julia M. Wright)
A list of works by major authors, with full text for a few of them.
The Curran Index to Wellesley Index Revisions (Eileen M. Curran)
A supplement to the Wellesley Index of Victorian Periodicals, including corrections.
Darwin and Literature: A Bibliography (Peter Morton)
An impressive bibliography of secondary sources on the relationship between evolutionary biology and imaginative literature.
Dictionary of Victorian London (Lee Jackson)
An impressive on-line dictionary and encyclopedia of Victorian social history. Very well done.
Electronic Resources for Nineteenth Century Studies (Ashton Nichols, Dickinson College)
A free-form discussion of electronic resources, including links to some of the major sties.
E-Texts for Victorianists (Alfred J. Drake)
Texts by nineteenth-century authors such as Arnold, Carlyle, Newman, Pater, and Wilde, based on authoritative editions. project.
Forget Me Not: A Hypertextual Archive of Ackermann's 19th-Century Literary Annual (Katherine D. Harris, San Jose State Univ.)
An archive of articles from 1823 to 1830. Impressive.
LITIR Database on Victorian Studies (Alberta)
Information on the CD-ROM bibliography of Victorian studies.
New Books in 19th-Century Studies (USC)
"This site offers complete publication information for scholarly works on the British Romantic and Victorian periods. Here you can find authors, titles, publishers, prices, ISBN numbers and publishers' descriptions for new and forthcoming critical works, anthologies, and critical editions of nineteenth-century British materials. In addition, original reviews are available for selected works."
NINES: A Networked Interface for Nineteenth-century Electronic Scholarship
A clearinghouse for scholarship on 19th-c. British and American studies. A serious project put together by serious scholars, and deserving of attention.
The Punch Cartoons Page (Anthony S. Wohl and students, Vassar)
About a dozen cartoons from Victorian issues of Punch, with commentary and a few research papers.
The Research Society for Victorian Periodicals (ASU)
Information on the Society and its events, with links.
St Deiniol's Library
Information on the residential library founded by W. E. Gladstone, including events and scholarships. A catalogue is expected.
Science in the 19th Century Periodical
"A searchable electronic index to the science content of sixteen nineteenth-century general periodicals." More than 7,500 articles.
Sensation Writers
An overview of nineteenth-century mystery and detection stories.
Victoria Research Web (Indiana)
A collection of Victorian materials associated with the VICTORIA mailing list.
The Victorian Canon (Rita Raley and Jennifer Jones, UCSB)
"Devoted to exploring the problems of taste and aesthetics with regard to the Victorian canon and the literary canon as a whole." Information on courses and a bibliography of anthologies of Victorian literature. Very thoughtful. (Down?)
The Victorian Literary Studies Archive, Hyper-Concordance (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Nagoya Univ.)
A set of searchable texts of several dozen authors, mostly (but not exclusively) Victorian. Very useful.
The Victorian Literature Website: Everything Victorian (Jen Buttaro)
Very short biographies for Austen, Charlotte and Emily Brontë, Carroll, Collins, Dickens, Disraeli, George Eliot, and Gissing; a few poems; a guide to currency; quotations; a chronology; and links. Not scholarly and just getting off the ground, but promises to be useful.
Victorian Popular Novels
A collection of electronic texts of popular Victorian literature.
Victorian Station
"Victorian decorating ideas and information about the Victorian era. We offer you a wealth of information with regard to the Victorian era." Attractive, though perhaps too graphics- and music-heavy; unscholarly, but useful for beginners. Brief biographies of several Victorian authors. "Enjoy the music and ambience as you journey back in time."
The Victorian Web (National Univ. of Singapore)
An extensive and well-designed collection of information on Victorian culture and history. Bibliographies and essays on the social context, economics, religion, philosophy, literature, the visual arts, science, technology, politics, and gender. The entire collection is searchable, and includes good links to other sites. O sic sic omnes!
Victorian Web Sites (Japan)
Impressive and up-to-date collection of links on Victorian England.
Victoriana, Resources for Victorian Living
More popular than scholarly ("Celebrate a Victorian Christmas!"), but contains useful information on daily life in Victorian England.
Victorians Institute
"An organization of scholars and students centered in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the USA." Includes information on the Institute.
"The White Man's Burden" and Its Critics: Anti-Imperialism, 1898-1935 (Jim Zwick)
Kipling's poem set in a very extensive array of contextual materials on imperialism.
Women AuthorsSee also individual women authors below.
A 19th Century Woman's Place: Introduction to a Victorian Woman's World
Unscholarly (but enjoyable) collection of miscellaneous material on women's lives in Victorian England. Information on fashion, decorative arts, &c.
The Victorian Women Writers' Letters Project (Simon Fraser Univ.)
A fledgling "bibliographical and biographical database" of mid-Victorian letters. So far contains the correspondence of Anna Jameson and Harriet Martineau.
The Victorian Women Writers Project (Indiana)
"The goal of the Victorian Women Writers Project is to produce highly accurate transcriptions of works by British women writers of the 19th century, encoded using the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). ... Considerable attention will be given to the accuracy and completeness of the texts, and to accurate bibliographical descriptions of them."
The 19th-Century London Stage: An Exploration (Washington)
A collection of brief documents on Victorian life and culture.
The Germ: The Romantics, the Pre-Raphaelites & the Bloomsbury Movements (Meg Wise-Lawrence)
Information on the Pre-Raphaelite circle, with biographical sketches of several of the major figures.
The Pre-Raphaelite Critic: Contemporary Criticism of the Pre-Raphaelites from 1849-1900 (Thomas J. Tobin, Duquesne)
Extensive collection of information on how the Pre-Raphaelites were viewed in their own day. Very impressive.
Pre-Raphaelite Society Pages (York Univ., UK)
Information on the Society, with a few links.
Unscholarly but attractive collection of scanned Pre-Raphaelite paintings. Thumbnails lead to high-resolution JPEGs.
Societies and Institutes
The 1890s Society
Information on the Society, with links to other sites.
Nineteenth-Century Interdisciplinary Studies Students' Collective (Wendy Foster, Univ. of British Columbia)
A growing site, "dedicated to the development and exchange of theories and ideas referring to all aspects of the nineteenth century." Includes links, meeting information, and conferences.
Northeast Victorian Studies Association (UTM)
Information on the Association, with links to other Victorian sites.
The Victorian Society in America
Informationon the Society.
Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies (Notre Dame)
Information on the journal.
The Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies (York)
Contact information and tables of contents on the journal.
Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies
Information on the on-line journal.
Nineteenth Century Studies (Franklin & Marshall)
Information on the journal, including recent tables of contents.
Mary Elizabeth Braddon
The Mary Braddon Website (Chris Willis, Birkbeck College)
Bibliographies, original essays, plot summaries, biographical information, links.
The Brontës
The Brontë Archives (Geocities)
Unscholarly appreciation of Emily Brontë's poetry.
Brontë Parsonage Web Site: Official Museum Pages
Information for visitors and a few links.
A very extensive list of links on the Brontës and their world. Requires a (free) Yahoo account.
The Brontë Sisters Web (Japan)
Extensive and well-prepared pages, with E-texts, links, and other useful information.
The Brownings
The Browning Page (Glenn Everett and students)
Hypertext editions of Browning's poems, with many images from the art Browning knew.
The Browning Society
Information on the Society, devoted to Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Erin's Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning Page
A fan site.
Lewis Carroll
Looking For Lewis Carroll
An impressive look at the myths surrounding Carroll. "What this site chiefly about is the phenomenon of the 'Carroll Myth' as it has recently begun to be understood, and what we offer here is the first online resource for the major re-analysis of Carroll that has recently got under way." Includes biographies, bibliographies, and links.
G. K. Chesterton
The American Chesterton Society
Information on the Society.
G. K. Chesterton (Martin Ward, Univ. of Durham)
Links to various resources (including E-texts by and about Chesterton), with a brief biography and images.
Wilkie Collins
Wilkie Collins Appreciation Page (David R. Grigg, Australia)
Unscholarly but well organized.
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens, Gad's Hill Place (Marsha Perry)
Unscholarly fan site on Dickens's life and works.
The Dickens Page (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Nagoya Univ., Japan)
A well-designed and up-to-date collection of links to Dickens resources.
Dickens Project (University of California)
Information on Dickens scholarhip, including conferences, publications, and other on-line resources.
Benjamin Disraeli
The Disraeli Project (Queen's University)
Information on the large-scale editing project.
Arthur Conan Doyle & Sherlock Holmes
221B Baker Street
Links to E-texts, scanned images, and links to other Holmes resources.
The Chronicles of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A good fan site on the creator of Sherlock Holmes, with links, quotations, games, events, and biographical information.
Sherlock Holmes on the Web: The Sherlockian.Net Homepage
A good collection of information on Arthur Conan Doyle and his most famous creation. For fans more than for scholars, but still useful. Links, bibliographies, E-texts, and events.
Sherlockian Holmepage (Chris Redmond, Waterloo)
A good, scholarly starting point, by an authority on Doyle, with many links to the stories and information on them and their pop-culture manifestations.
George Eliot
Chronological List of George Eliot's works (Princeton)
A short timeline, with links to the works and to a search engine of all of Eliot's novels.
Elizabeth Gaskell
The Gaskell Web (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Nagoya Univ., Japan)
A well-designed and up-to-date collection of links to Gaskell resources on the Net.
Gilbert and Sullivan
Gilbert and Sullivan Archive (Boise State)
Big fan site, including "clip art, librettos, plot summaries, pictures of the original G&S stars, song scores, midi and mpeg audio files (which allow you to actually listen to the music), and newsletter articles."
George Gissing
George Gissing Website (Peter Morton, Flinders Univ.)
Overview, biographies, E-texts, criticism, and extensive and annotated links. Very impressive.
George Robert Gissing page (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Extensive, well-organized, and up-to-date collection of Gissing links.
Thomas Hardy
Hardy's World (Gettysburg)
Class projects in three coordinated Hardy classes at Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, and Dickinson Colleges. Biography, publication information on the novels, photographs of relevant locations, essays on cultural contexts, and links.
The Thomas Hardy Association (Yale), including Hardy-related sites
A first-rate collection with a superb and thorough collection of site reviews. O si sic omnes!
Thomas Hardy (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Extensive, well-designed, and up-to-date collection of links.
Thomas Hardy Miscellany (Andover)
Original articles and photographs on Hardy and his works.
Thomas Hardy Resource Library
Chronology, links to E-texts, reviews of recent books (more popular than scholarly), and images.
Thomas Hardy's Library at Max Gate: Catalogue of an Attempted Reconstruction (Michael Millgate)
An impressive guide to the works in Hardy's library, with good documentation on the evidence for each attribution.
The Thomas Hardy Society
Unscholarly, and unaffiliated with the Hardy Societies of the UK and North America.
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Gerard Manley Hopkins Page (David Callon, Creighton)
A big collection of information, including biographies, E-texts, book reviews, criticism, information on relevant journals, mailing lists, and Web resources.
Electronic Resources Related to G. M. Hopkins and his Poetry (R. J. C. Watt, Univ. of Dundee)
A handy set of links to Hopkins and related matters.
A. E. Housman
A. E. Housman Page (Martin Hardcastle, Bristol)
Many E-texts of the poems.
John Leech
John Leech Cartoon Archives, 1841-1864
More than 600 cartoons from Punch's Victorian heyday.
Caroline Norton
Caroline Norton (CMU)
Primary bibliography and brief biography.
George MacDonald
The Golden Key: The George MacDonald WWW Page (Mike Partridge)
Links, E-texts, photos, bibliography, and brief essays.
Karl Marx
The Marx/Engels Internet Archive
E-texts, photos, chronologies, and biographical sketches.
William Morris
William Morris Home Page (CUNY)
Provides "news of Morris-related events and publications; information about the worldwide William Morris Society; materials relating to the life and work of Morris, his friends and followers; and links to other places of interest on the Internet." Includes a bibliography, a biography, E-texts, information on places, portraits, and reviews of books about Morris.
J. E. Preston Muddock
Dick Donovan
Information on the late-Victorian mystery stories by J. E. Preston Muddock, a precursor of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Walter Pater
Walter Pater (Subir Grewal)
Brief biography, list of published works, a short bibliography of criticism, and a few E-texts.
Dante Garbriel Rossetti
Christina Rossetti (A. Eisenberg)
A German-language site on Rossetti's life and works.
The Rossetti Archive (Jerome McGann, Virginia)
In-progress archive of Rossetti's textual and graphical works, undertaken with impressive care and erudition. "In an ideal imagining the Archive will hold a digital image of every textual and pictorial document relevant to the study of Rossetti." O si sic omnes!
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894 (Thomas Cooper Library, Univ. of South Carolina)
An exhibition on Stevenson's life and works.
Arthur Symons
Arthur Symons Page
E-texts of several poems, a brief chronology, and links on the '90s.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The Tennyson Page (SFSU)
E-texts, a brief chronology, and a few audio files.
Anthony Trollope
Anthony Trollope: An Overview (Victorian Web)
The best starting place for information on Trollope on the Web.
Anthony Trollope (Mitsuharu Matsuoka)
Links, E-texts, and chronology.
The Trollope.Org Page
A handy set of links to the major Trollope resources, including a discussion group.
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde Sites on the World-Wide Web
Annotated links to other sites. Well done.
"An Electronic Journal for the Exchange of Information on Current Research, Publications and Productions concerning Oscar Wilde and His Circle."
Charlotte Mary Yonge
Charlotte Mary Yonge
Primary and secondary bibliographies, summaries, reviews, and links on the Victorian author. Admirably scholarly.
This page, part of the larger collection of literary resources, is maintained by Jack Lynch.

British and Romantic Victorian Cultures

Christopher C. Nagle
Availability: Now In StockFrom Palgrave MacmillanPub date: Nov 2007240 pagesSize 5 1/2 x 8 1/4$79.95 - Hardcover (1-4039-8435-2)
More Shopping Options
Drawing together theoretically informed literary history and the cultural history of sexuality, friendship, and affective relations, this is the first study to trace fully the influence of this notorious yet often undervalued cultural tradition on British Romanticism, a movement that both draws on and resists Sensibility’s excessive embodiments of non-normative pleasure. Offering a broad consideration of literary genres while balancing the contributions of both canonical and non-canonical male and female writers, this bold new study insists on the need to revise the traditional boundaries of literary periods and establishes unexpected influences on both Romantic and early Victorian culture and their shared pleasures of attachment.
Author Bio
Christopher C. Nagle is Assistant Professor of English at Western Michigan University, where he teaches courses in eighteenth and nineteenth-century British and Irish literature as well as critical theory and gender studies. His previous work has appeared in English Literary History, Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, and Comparative Drama.
Praise for Sexuality and the Culture of Sensibility in the British Romantic Era
“This is an ambitious study that argues for the continuance of Sensibility within Romanticism, ‘embedded’ within texts by writers who ostensibly rejected its excesses in favor of more directed models of psychological development, and seeking social cohesion in other modes. A strength of the study is, thus, one of range: not many studies move with equal surefootedness from Lawrence Sterne to Tennyson, and across genres from fiction to poetry.”--Peter Manning, SUNY-Stony Brook University

“This book opens the door to the Romantic closet at last. Besides dealing with issues of gender and sexuality as they have rarely been addressed, Nagle exposes romanticism's deep debt to the culture of sensibility and all the complexity of deep personal response that culture implies. This remarkable study deals with the major poets, women writers of both poetry and prose, and it demonstrates the ways in which Romantic writers are in active dialogue with predecessors of Sensibility. It opens the Romantic era to so much of the politics of pleasure that were seething within it all along.”--George E. Haggerty, University of California, Riverside

“This elegant study, with its creative synthesis of historicism, gender studies, and queer theory and its superlative close readings, provides exciting new analyses of classic works by Austen, Wordsworth, Shelley, and others. Arguing for a politics of pleasure that can be traced to the enduring influence of Sterne, Nagle offers a bold and stimulating assessment of the persistent role of sensibility through the Romantic period and well into the Victorian era. Nagle’s original juxtaposition of canonical and non-canonical works yields a study that convinces readers of overlooked connections and under-appreciated continuities. This book is bound to alter irrevocably our understanding of literary culture at the turn of the nineteenth century.”-- Elizabeth Kowaleski Wallace, Boston College
Table of contents
The Pleasures of Proximity * ‘The Heart’s Best Blood’: Sterne and the Promiscuous Life of Sensibility * From Trembling to Tranquility: Women Writers and Wordsworth’s Pleasure Principle * Epistemologies of the Romantic Closet: Shakespeare, Sexuality, and the Myth of Genius * The Social Work of Persuasion: Austen and the New Sensorium * Prometheus vs. the Man of Feeling: Frankenstein, Sensibility, and the Uncertain Future of Romanticism (An Allegory for Literary History) * Sentimental Journeys: The Afterlife of Feeling in Landon and Tennyson
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British and Romantic Victorian Cultures

Sexuality and the Culture of Sensibility in the British Romantic ...
... notorious yet often undervalued cultural tradition on British Romanticism, ... influences on both Romantic and early Victorian culture and their shared ...www.palgrave-usa.com/catalog/product.aspx?isbn=1403984352 - 36k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Amazon.com: Sexuality and the Culture of Sensibility in the ...
Sexuality and the Culture of Sensibility in the British Romantic Era ... unexpected influences on both Romantic and early Victorian culture and their shared ...www.amazon.com/Sexuality-Culture-Sensibility-British-Romantic/dp/1403984352 - 208k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Macmillan: Sexuality and the Culture of Sensibility in the British ...
The British Romantic poets were among the first to realize the centrality of ... influences on both Romantic and early Victorian culture and their shared ...us.macmillan.com/sexualityandthecultureofsensibilityinthebritishromanticera - 73k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Literary Resources -- Victorian British (Lynch)
... information for scholarly works on the British Romantic and Victorian periods. ... collection of information on Victorian culture and history. ...newark.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/victoria.html - 26k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
The Victorian Women Writers Project
British Periodicals at Minnesota: The Early Nineteenth Century ... The Idol of Suburbia: Marie Corelli and Late Victorian Literary Culture . ...www.indiana.edu/~letrs/vwwp/vwwp-links.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Welcome to the Department of English
Nineteenth-century British literature and culture is one of the most exciting ... and evolutionary theories of culture and the body; Romantic and Victorian ...english.la.psu.edu/facultystaff/area19thcent.htm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Contributors - Victorian Studies 49:2
Her book, Victorian Glassworlds. Glass Culture and the Imagination, 1830–80, .... editor of Romantic Generations: Text, Authority and Posterity in British ...muse.jhu.edu/journals/victorian_studies/v049/49.2contributors.html - Similar pages - Note thisby K Frederickson - 2007 - Related articles - All 2 versions
Staff : Victorian Studies : University of Leicester
Dr. Morgan's research interests include public culture and identity in Britain, ... and past president of the British Association for Romantic Studies. ...www.le.ac.uk/ee/vs/staff.html - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
British Association for Romantic Studies - BARS - Resources
The British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) was set up in 1989 by academics to promote .... Victorian Literature and Culture: Relocating Modernity ...www.bars.ac.uk/researching/researchingresources.php - 25k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Romantic and Victorian Characteristics Guide for Chapman U's ...
E434: British Novel to 1900. Romantic and Victorian Characteristics, .... (i.e. Marxist) reading derived from Raymond Williams' Culture and Society: The ...www.ajdrake.com/e434_spr_04/materials/guides/vic_romvic_charact.htm - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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