Saturday, October 25, 2008

British and Romantic Victorian Cultures



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Pater, Walter. Imaginary Portraits. Based on a facsimile of the London: Macmillan, 1910 Library Edition.

Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus. London: Fraser's Magazine, 1833-34. PDF format.

Newman, John Henry. Apologia Pro Vita Sua. Based on the London: Longman, Green, 1864 first edition. PDF format.

Lewes, George Henry. On Actors and the Art of Acting. Based on the London: Smith, Elder 1875 first edition. PDF format.

Swinburne, Algernon. Miscellanies. Based on the London: Chatto & Windus, 1886 first edition. PDF format.

Mayhew, Henry. London Labour and the London Poor. Four Volumes. London: Griffin, Bohn, and Co., 1861-62. Mayhew's complex and lengthy volumes will be rendered in PDF format. This project will take time. Those who need the texts immediately will find all four volumes in text format from the Bolles Collection in the Perseus Project. See the Mayhew set's Table of Contents.


Buell, J.W. Heroes of the Dark Continent. Based on the New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1890 edition. This text is a gold mine of illustrations and narratives regarding British activities in Africa during the nineteenth century. It is a large project and will take time. PDF format.

Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present. Based on the London: Chapman & Hall, 1843 first edition. PDF format.

Carlyle, Thomas. The French Revolution. Based on the London: J. Fraser, 1837 first edition. PDF format.

Carlyle, Thomas. The French Revolution. Based on the London: J. Fraser, 1839 second edition. PDF format.

Mayhew, Henry. The Criminal Prisons of London, and Scenes of Prison Life. Based on the London: Griffin, Bohn, and Co., 1862 edition. PDF format.

Note on PDF (Portable Document Format): I have decided to use pdf format exclusively. Adobe pdf renders fully searchable, compact, near-facsimile editions. On-screen text size can be adjusted easily, a big advantage for those with less than perfect vision. Complex typefaces such as accentuated Greek can be embedded. Pdf text resembles the original, authoritative edition to a really impressive degree, and the fact that it resembles the original greatly facilitates proofreading. The minor responsibility of downloading and installing the freeware Acrobat Reader is more than repaid by pdf's ease of reading and scholarly advantages. I am also aware of the advantages of xml / sghtml, which some archivists have adopted as a standard for reproduction of texts, and in future I may well begin offering texts in both pdf and xml.

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